#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# script to process repeat level granularity into event list for vamp
# Stan Swanson 2 May 2004
%keyword = ( fiddle => 111, piano => 1, clarinet => 72, guitar => 25,
bass => 44, sax => 66, flute => 74, banjo => 106,
instrument => 0,
melody => -1, chords => -2, dynamics => -3 );
%volume = ( fff => 120, ff => 104, f => 88, mf => 72, mp => 56,
p => 40, pp => 24, ppp => 8 );
print "input file: "; $infile = ;
open INFILE, $infile or die "cannot find $infile $!";
$mode = $notes = $voice = 0;
# keywords melody, chords, dynamics not seen yet
$ref_file = ; # get reference file for tune
while (1)
{ $line = ; # prime the while loop
last unless ($line);
print $line; chomp $line;
@tokens = split /\s+/, $line; $_ = $tokens[0];
next unless ($_); next if (/^#/); # blank lines and comments
# 045.03 combine syntax
# melody/chords chunk [rep] ...
# dynamics vol [rep] ...
# name/{instrument n} (accent/phrase)chunk [rep]...
if (exists $keyword{$tokens[0]} ) # look for "reserved" word
{ $i = $keyword{$tokens[0]}; shift @tokens; $rep = 1;
if ($i<0) { $mode = -$i; $notes = 1; }
else { $notes = 0; warn "mode not defined\n" unless $mode;
if ($i == 0) { $i = $tokens[0]+0; shift @tokens; }
push @band, $i; $voice++;
foreach (@music) { $item = sprintf("%-20s %2d",$_,$voice);
# print $item, "\n";
push @events, $item; $rep++; }
$rep = 1; # reinitialize for instrument accents...
} # found keyword
if ($notes)
{ if ($mode<3) { @music = ();
foreach (@tokens)
{ if (/\D/) { $item = sprintf(" %3d %-20s ",$rep,$_);
# print $item, "\n";
push @music, $item; $rep++; }
else { $rep += $_ - 1; }
} else { # translate "dynamics" info into _vel_ events
foreach (@tokens)
{ if (/\D/) { $vol = $volume{$_};
$item = sprintf(" %3d _volume_ %3d",$rep,$vol);
# print $item, "\n";
push @events, $item; $rep++; }
else { $rep += $_ - 1; }
} }
} else # look for instrument accent and phrasing chunks
{ if ($mode == 1 or $mode ==2 ) # look for new instrument
{ foreach (@tokens)
{ if (/\D/) { $item = sprintf(" %3d %-20s %3d",$rep,$_,$voice);
# print $item, "\n";
push @events, $item; $rep++; }
else { $rep += $_ - 1; }
} else { print "mode $mode should not get here\n"; }
} # while ($line)
print "==============\n\n@","$ref_file\n\n";
print "instrum ";
foreach (@band) { print $_, " "; } print "\n";
print "events\n";
@events = sort @events;
foreach (@events) { print "$_ \n"; }
print "/events\n";
print "output file: "; $output = ;
if ($output)
{ open OUT, "> $output" or die "could not open $output";
print "opened $output\n";
print OUT "@","$ref_file\n\n";
print OUT "instrum ";
foreach (@band) { print OUT $_, " "; }
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\nevents\n", " -1 potatoes \n";
@events = sort @events;
foreach (@events) { print OUT "$_ \n"; }
print OUT "/events\n";