Current Regular Location. Brazos Ballroom Dance studio, 501 Graham Road, College Station. [ Graham Road is the next major road south of Rock Prairie (about half a mile). Brazos Ballroom is on the North side of the road, set fairly far back between Ewing Irrigation (475 Graham) and HD Plumbing (541 Graham). It is between Victoria and Wellborn. ]

Map will look best in a monospaced font (e.g. Courier, Monaco)
   Map is NOT to scale!
                                   |                       2154 = Wellborn Rd
                    .-----2818-----|                         30 = Harvey Rd
                   /               |-------                  60 = Raymond Stotzer Pkwy 
                  /                6       \                        / University Ave
Austin--21--\----|-----------------|----    \               2818 = Harvey Mitchell Pkwy
             |   |                 |         |              
            47   |                 |         |               UUC = Unitarian Church
             |   |       |         |         |                     (old location)
      --60---\---|------)|(--------|----Univ. Av.---        
                 |       |         |         |              AUMC = Aldersgate Church
               2818      |       Texas Av.   |                     
                 |       |         |         |              SFE = St. Francis Episcopal
                 |--Bush-|---------|       East Loop (Bypass 6)
NOT to           |       |..UUC    |         |
scale!           |       |         |---30----------------->Huntsville
                 |       |         |         |
                 |      2154       |         |..AUMC 
                 \       |-SW pkwy-|-------------         
   NORTH          \------|--2818---|----     |           SD = Suzanne's
 ___                     |         |         /                School of Dance
  /|                     |         6        /
 /                       |SD SFE   |-------/             
/                    ----|-*-*-----|--------- Rock Prairie ---
                         | BBD     |
                    --------*------|          (Graham Road)
                         |         |
                                Houston                 BBD = Brazos Ballroom

Note to the directionally particular: "North" in the verbal discussion is the direction from College Station to Bryan. On a map, it is closer to Northwest. "East" is perpendicular to "North", closer to Northeast.