pick - a program for generating analyses of dances in spreadsheet format

-- Stan Swanson, January 2013 License: GPL

Updated January 24, 2013

Documentation of the program: manual

Example spreadsheet output (.csv format): spreadsheet

Example spreadsheet output as html (directly viewable in browser)
summary and piece counts,
other statistics

Download directory: downloads

Contains export.zip, a ZIP file (160kb) with all of the below.

Documentation: pick-manual.html, pick-manual.txt, select.csv, README

Executables for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux (Fedora) and source:
  pick-win.exe, pick-mac, pick-linux, pick.c
Example input files (dance archive (32 dances), dictionary, statistics):
  select.dances, select-dict.txt, select-stat.txt

Which have also been copied to the default files:
  dances.txt, dance-dict.txt, dance-stat.txt

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