Our next dance will be on Saturday, October 5, 2024, from 7 pm. to 9:30 pm. Local callers. Live band, "Fiddle Frolic", from Houston -- Teresa and Thea Hakel, Keith Holmes.

Austin will have their annual weekend dance, Fire Ant Frolic, in mid-November. Registration is now open.

A collection of 5 computer rendered contra dance tunes in MP3 format is available. Your feedback as to danceablity and possible improvements is solicited.

COVID-19 POLICY: You dance at your own risk. Vaccinations and masks are encouraged, but not required. If you are feeling sick, or have been exposed to Covid, please do not come.

We normally dance on the FIRST Saturday (from 7 pm to 9:30 pm).

LOCATION: Brazos Ballroom Dance studio, 501 Graham Road, College Station. The dance studio is located at the back of the property.

See our Schedule for details and other dances in Texas, and our Map for directions to our dance.
Suggested donation: adults $5, students $3,
Two dances for one deals:
   Bring a new dancer, half price for each of you.
   New dancer, pay and get a free pass for another dance.
Ask about our family discount.

More info: call 979-846-4504, or e-mail swanson DOT stan AT gmail DOT com.

You can also find us on Facebook .

BCS Contra Dance is an affiliate of the Sam Houston Square and Round Dance Association.

Links and additional information::

Local callers (when we can't get outstanding visiting talent):
   --- Lorraine Puckhaber, Rosie and Stan Swanson.

We are interested in developing new local musicians and bands.
Contact us if you have any interest.

General info about contra dancing in Austin, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, and elsewhere

National information about square, round, and contra dancing

Contra dance comes from the same English country dance tradition as modern square dancing and shares many of the same basic dance patterns. For more information about contra dancing: see contraculture and What is Contra Dance? and check out contra dancing on YouTube

Hear a sampling of contra dance tunes as MP3 and MIDI files.

A local project to make MIDI files of contra dance music: VAMP

A local project to analyse contra dances (output in spreadsheet format): pick